Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Stack of Nappy Wallets

Well, I posted a photo of my handiwork on facebook and got a bit of interest so I decided to sew up a heap more and try to sell them.  They will be $30 including a travel size wipes, nappy sacks and anti-bacterial wipes.  These are my new go to present for friends having babies. 

The only other sewing I've managed is to sew on velcro to the MOTH's work shirt pockets so his phone is easier to access!  I am hoping that this weekend I can cut more nappy wallets and start on the Advent Calender I want to finish before Christmas.

Happy Sewing

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Away In A Manger

The blog has been quiet but I have not!  I finished this stitchery that Mum gave me for Christmas a few years ago.  Another one of those things that I kept putting off.  I actually enjoyed doing the hand embrodery and I LOVE the butons!

Still working on Nappy Wallets as I had a few requests so I have cut another 10-11 and have enough fabric for about another 16 (I think)!  And then I decided (because I just didn't have enough to do) that I should make a couple more peek-a-boo toy sacks for Christmas!  I certainly will be busy the next couple of weeks!  Better get to it!

Happy Sewing

Friday, November 4, 2011

Nappy Wallets

So I saw this Nappy Wallet Tutorial last year and thought what a great idea, I'll make some of those!  It's only taken 18 months or so!  Anyway, they are really easy and I have managed to cut and sew 4 of them in a couple of days - in between all the other house/children stuff that never ends.
I have claimed the purple one for myself because purple is my favourite colour.  These nappy wallets are big enough for a travel thing of wipes, nappy sacks, nappy and anti-bacterial wipes.  I have a few friends having babies soon and these are going to be the perfect present.  Any excuse to buy more fabric!!

Happy Sewing,