Wednesday, April 13, 2011

More toy bags

These toy bags are for the nieces/nephew/our baby that wouldn't have been around when I did the first lot!  It is a terrible photo and shows off the lovely ironing board and curtains but I am running out of time!  At least the sewing room is now clean and tidy, with a bed all ready for Mum to come and visit.  I figured I wouldn't really have much time to clean when the baby comes home so it needed to be done today (I'm sure this is the nesting talking)!  I also finished cutting out Mr Fix-IT and baby's quilt and will take them with me to keep me occupied while waiting for bubs to make his entrance.  I am also taking my hand sewing hexagon project.  Will try to keep updating as I go, but I expect the next couple of months to be pretty busy.  Hopefully there will still be time for sewing!

Happy Sewing

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe that your bub is nearly due. I had forgotten about how you have to leave town... to have a!
    I hope that your delivery is smooth! And I don't know why but I keep getting this sense that it's a girl.... did I read that somewhere?
    Anyway I will be looking forward to a few pics on your blog...please!
    Take care
