Friday, April 30, 2010

New project

So much for more sewing.  Master 4 has been sick so I have been cleaning up after him which has sadly not left much time for sewing.  Hopefully tonight after both of them have gone to bed!  Anyhow, even though I shouldn't even think about new projects until the long list of UFO's is completed, I have to share this new pattern with you.  I am waiting for Bev from to return from the Melbourne Quilt Exhibition (lucky things) to source the pattern for me and then will probably go into mass production!  I love them!  I will post pictures when they are done - it might be in a couple of months but I'll get round to it!



  1. OMG! that quilt is just too fantastic! Not to mention the name pillow too!!
    Hope Master 4 is feeling better soon *hugs*

  2. Oh boy - you like to take on difficult challenges don't you? That quilt looks great!
    I love the idea of making my own kids hats. Tell me how you go with it and if it's within my capabilities.
