Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sew Slack (He he he!)

Well, as the title suggests I have been rather slack in the sewing department of late.  The children finally got better and we've had a trip to pick up our new bed which is exciting but I have now decided that the room needs new curtains.  And a new paint job.  These things shall have to wait for the MOTH (man of the house) to have some time off I think.  I think I have plenty of other projects to keep me entertained until then!  So instead of a photo of more fabric bought (although I did manage to buy more on the weekend), I am going to start posting the pictures of things already finished for the year.  My first finish for the year were these Lazy Day Hats.  I fell in love with the pattern and was crazy enough to start them as Christmas presents last year.  I think I made over 20 in total.  All different sizes and colours and I can say that all the recipients are very happy with the outcome.  Master 4 proudly tells anyone who will listen that 'Mum made my hat'!  Love him!  Especially as his was the first and had a few puckers.  I worked out the puckering issue and the rest weren't so bad.  Well, back to finishing my cuppa and think make sure I can put the bed together!


Friday, May 14, 2010


Hi, my name is Kristy and I'm a fabricolic.  I have enough fabric in my Fabricologists Resource Centre (fancy words for fabric stash) to last a lifetime but I can't help but buy more.  Saturday I added these to my collection
And to further my addiction, I spent today at Peggy and Bev's Place sewing and came home with this
(there is a dinosaur panel that goes with this, and some other nice fabrics that almost came home too) for the ABC Wall Hanging project I bought the pattern for 2 or 3 years ago.  The first step to dealing with my addiction is admitting I have one.  Well, I have an addiction to fabric, sewing, patterns, pretty threads, and more crafty stuff.  Sadly my 12 step program ends at Step 1 because I don't want to give up my addiction anytime soon!  The only way to deal with this is to promise to finish some of these projects before the end of the year.  Only time will tell!


P.S  Have been quiet while Master 4 was ill, but will clean the house tonight so that Saturday and Sunday will be sewing days!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Finally!  My quietness in blogging means I have been busy sewing??  Well, yes and no.  Master 4 has been rather unwell but is hopefully on the mend now.  I have been working on some hand sewing of my 'hexagon' quilt.  It is a long term project as it's paper pieced 1" hexagons made into flowers in pinks and purples.  I will get round to taking some pictures of the progress soon.  The big finish for the day was not one, but two sleepover bags for my mum and SIL.  I even managed to get to the post office in time for them to arrive Friday!  Considering I was going to have them finished for birthdays back in February, two months late isn't too bad!  The pattern was from Melly and Me.  http://mellyandme.typepad.com/photos/designs_by_melly_me/m069---sleepover-4x6.html 
So another project is crossed off the list and now i can move onto the pinwheel blocks.  Hmmm, that might take a while!
