Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Sewing

The blog has been a bit quiet but I have been busy - promise!  I have been doing a bit of Christmas present sewing so I can't show the photos yet, but all will be revealed after Christmas.  This photo is my completed blocks from the Sewing Retreat I went to last year.  Only took over a year to make them into something!  My friend got married in September so I put them together as a wall hanging with their names and wedding date machine embroidered on the bottom.  I love how it turned out - the black really brings out the different colours in the fabrics.

I am eagerly waiting on a fabric parcel to arrive in the mail from Flowerpress who had some awesome brick print that I will be making into Peek-a-boo toy sacks  for the big boys for Christmas.  I feel some late nights coming on to get everything done in time!  So enough blogging - and other time wasting on the computer and off to the sewing room!

Happy Sewing

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Stack of Nappy Wallets

Well, I posted a photo of my handiwork on facebook and got a bit of interest so I decided to sew up a heap more and try to sell them.  They will be $30 including a travel size wipes, nappy sacks and anti-bacterial wipes.  These are my new go to present for friends having babies. 

The only other sewing I've managed is to sew on velcro to the MOTH's work shirt pockets so his phone is easier to access!  I am hoping that this weekend I can cut more nappy wallets and start on the Advent Calender I want to finish before Christmas.

Happy Sewing

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Away In A Manger

The blog has been quiet but I have not!  I finished this stitchery that Mum gave me for Christmas a few years ago.  Another one of those things that I kept putting off.  I actually enjoyed doing the hand embrodery and I LOVE the butons!

Still working on Nappy Wallets as I had a few requests so I have cut another 10-11 and have enough fabric for about another 16 (I think)!  And then I decided (because I just didn't have enough to do) that I should make a couple more peek-a-boo toy sacks for Christmas!  I certainly will be busy the next couple of weeks!  Better get to it!

Happy Sewing

Friday, November 4, 2011

Nappy Wallets

So I saw this Nappy Wallet Tutorial last year and thought what a great idea, I'll make some of those!  It's only taken 18 months or so!  Anyway, they are really easy and I have managed to cut and sew 4 of them in a couple of days - in between all the other house/children stuff that never ends.
I have claimed the purple one for myself because purple is my favourite colour.  These nappy wallets are big enough for a travel thing of wipes, nappy sacks, nappy and anti-bacterial wipes.  I have a few friends having babies soon and these are going to be the perfect present.  Any excuse to buy more fabric!!

Happy Sewing,

Monday, October 31, 2011

Hats, dresses and other stuff!

Having a new baby in the house has seriously cut into my sewing time but he is soo cute and cuddly I don't really mind!  But I have been trying to get a few things done.  Master 5 was invited to twin girls birthday party and I thought they would love a new dress each.  It helps when the Cupcake Dress is so quick to put together!  I had the two plus another for a friend whipped up in only a couple of nights. 

Both of the older boys have needed new hats for a while and a friend had a new baby so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to make some more!  I forgot to take a photo of the baby hat before sending it away on Friday.

I also finished the No Rules Blocks and put it together in a wall hanging for a friend's wedding recently.  I have forgotten to take a photo of that but might try to remember on the weekend to go around and take one.

The latest on  my finished list is something I have just finished and taken a photo of.  I have made a stocking for each member of our little family after seeing the pattern on the Kids Quilts website.  I think I made Master 5's and the MOTH's in 2007, Master 3 and mine in 2008 (from memory finishing them on Christmas Eve)! and have just finished our latest one's today.  Now that our little family is complete it's one more job I can cross off my list.

The list of things I want to make/sew seems to keep growing without much being crossed off!  I have picked up another Make It Perfect pattern for dresses and want to make some for next year's birthday girls as well as make some nappy wallets for me and a couple of friends.  And there's also all the Christmasy things that probably won't get done before Christmas! 

Happy Sewing

Friday, July 15, 2011

Mr Fix-It

Our baby has arrived!  Which of course means there has been no time at all to do sewing!  Although I was very productive before the birth and pieced together the Mr Fix-It quilt.  This meant that I could leave it with Mum to go to the quilter's.  It came back last week and it took over a week to find time to attach the binding!  I finally finished it last night and was able to give it to my FIL who was absolutely thrilled!  He was very excited to be taking it home to snuggle under - especially as its been cold lately!  That's about all the sewing I've managed.  I had to venture to the craft shop today to look at fabric as both the older boys need new hats.  It might take another 6 months to finish them! 

Happy Sewing

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

More toy bags

These toy bags are for the nieces/nephew/our baby that wouldn't have been around when I did the first lot!  It is a terrible photo and shows off the lovely ironing board and curtains but I am running out of time!  At least the sewing room is now clean and tidy, with a bed all ready for Mum to come and visit.  I figured I wouldn't really have much time to clean when the baby comes home so it needed to be done today (I'm sure this is the nesting talking)!  I also finished cutting out Mr Fix-IT and baby's quilt and will take them with me to keep me occupied while waiting for bubs to make his entrance.  I am also taking my hand sewing hexagon project.  Will try to keep updating as I go, but I expect the next couple of months to be pretty busy.  Hopefully there will still be time for sewing!

Happy Sewing

Friday, April 8, 2011

And even more hats!!

Yep!  I have made more hats!  They are so easy now - especially when you only make 2 at one time!  A hat for our new baby, and a hat for a friend's baby due in September.  The nesting must be setting in, or I am procrastinating about cleaning other parts of the house!  I have also joined an online group not to buy any fabric for the entire month of April and to use material in my stash to make things.  I have so many things on my UFO list, that I can be fairly confident that I won't need to set foot in a fabric shop!  I have cut out baby's quilt and would like to get started on it this weekend but I also need to cut the Mr Fix-It quilt.  So many things to make, so little time!

Happy Sewing

Sunday, April 3, 2011


So I have a few things to show off!  Master 5 was invited to a birthday party and I thought that another 'Peek-a-Boo' toy sack and some Lego would be a great present. The other toy sack is one of the ones I finished a few weeks ago.  The Mum asked if I had made it and then asked if I sell them!!  Still thinking about it.  Might wait until after the baby comes along and we see how busy we get!
 Next is another MIP pattern.  Out of the book, the 'Chill Out Slippers' have been on the list and I finally got the motivation to make them.  My purple pair will be great for in hospital and the boys just love theirs - Master 5 even slept with them on the first night!

Last picture is another project I've been thinking about for a while.  I wanted to make my own nappy covers.  I didn't really want to get into the whole MCN (Modern Cloth Nappy) thing as I know this is our last baby and I have heaps of terry flats that I can use.  Thinking about how I would actually make them took the longest and I finally finished them off this morning.  At this stage I have only made the 2 in size 000 as I want to make sure they work out okay before making more.  I have some really bright yellow and red flame PUL (plastic backed fabric stuff) to make more so we will see how it goes.
We are all over the horrid gastro bug but now Master 5 and I have tonsillitis!  So taking advantage of the fairly quiet boys I am going to hopefully spend some more time in the sewing room cutting out some more projects!

Happy Sewing!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Number Book

Hooray!  The last of the projects from 2010 are finished!  I started this number book last year sometime and have finally managed to get it finished.  It's a Kids Quilts pattern - another of my current favourite pattern designers.  It has 10 pages in total so there was quite a bit of hand sewing involved.  I really like how it turned out.  I was going to finish before my friend's girls birthday last year but it will now be a big sister present for later in the year. 

Another project down, next I think I will tackle some hats and slippers (I cut out templates for these this afternoon)!

Happy Sewing!


Friday, March 11, 2011

'Peek-a-Boo' Toy Sacks

After finishing the 'niece' birthday presents last week, I was all motivated to finish the 'nephew' presents.  These were really easy.  It's another Make It Perfect pattern that Toni had posted on her website.  Best part - it was FREE!  The Peek-a-Boo Tutorial was really easy to follow with lots of good photos.

So, another job done, but still soooo many more to go.  I will have to get stuck into more of them this week as time is going to be a bit scarce soon!

Happy Sewing

Saturday, March 5, 2011

More Cupcake Dresses!

So I see a good pattern and think that will make nice presents and decide to make 5!  Crazy woman!  But these are so easy that has only really taken about a day to make 5.  I used some of my Melly and Me fat quarters on 2 of the dresses and the rest of the fabric came from either Mum's or my stash.  So all the nieces have a birthday present and they are all done so that when the time comes I just have to send them off!  How's that for organised!  I have got an idea for the nephews in the family and will have to start on those soon so that they can be finished before the baby arrives.  Sew many projects, so little time!

Happy Sewing

Monday, February 21, 2011


So I have decided that this year (and possibly from now on) I will be giving books and handmade gifts as presents for all of the nieces and nephews this year.  Toni's book has already been in use and will be used quite a bit more throughout the year!  We celebrated a 1st birthday last weekend and so I made the Cupcake Dress.  It was by far one of the easiest things I have EVER made!  I think the cutting and gathering was the hardest part!  The shirt was from Big W, and the fabric I stole borrowed from Mum's stash.  Expect to see a few more of these in the next couple of months, I want to have a few finished before the baby comes.

I have been eyeing off Melly and Me's new fabric (below) for a  while but wasn't really sure what I would make with it.  Peggy and Bev's Place had a big sale a couple of weeks ago so I picked up these fat quarters for a very good price!  Still not sure what I will use them for but they are really lovely!

The last photo is the boat fabrics I have bought for the new baby.   Haven't got a clue what pattern to use to make a single bed quilt but I'm sure I'll find something!

I think that's all the sewing news for now.  Just need to get into the sewing room and have a bit of a clean up and cutting session!

Happy Sewing

Friday, February 4, 2011


Yay!  It's finally finished!  I know it's been a while since I posted, but I have been busy having an extended holiday due to all the flooding.  It did allow me to finish the pinwheel quilt and start a few new projects though so it's not all bad!  I also got to go to Spotlight and just happened to be there when they were having a half price sale on the patchwork fabric!  I must say I was very good and only bought fabric for the new baby, still haven't decided on what pattern to use to make the single bed quilt, but considering how long it took to finish Master 2's, I'm already ahead for this one!
Mum bought me the Make It Perfect Book for Christmas and I have already decided on the projects that need to go on this year's list.  She has a very cool slipper pattern that will make perfect hospital slippers and a dress for our niece who turns 1 next week.  I have made a start on this one and will hopefully be able to show it off next week.  

So, only 1 leftover UFO from last year, which I did manage to do a lot of the hand sewing on while away, and I can start on a list for this year!  

Happy Sewing